Course Details

Frontend Developer

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The Web Developer Essentials course is designed to equip participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to embark on a successful career in web development. Whether you're a beginner looking to start from scratch or an aspiring developer seeking to expand your skill set, this course provides a comprehensive foundation in web development technologies, tools, and best practices. By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of web development concepts and be capable of building responsive websites, implementing interactive features, and developing basic back-end functionalities. Whether you aim to pursue a career as a front-end developer, back-end developer, or full-stack developer, this course lays the groundwork for your journey into the world of web development.

• Introduction to HTML and its role in web development
• Basic structure of an HTML document (DOCTYPE, HTML, head, body)
• HTML5 semantic elements (header, nav, section, article, footer, etc.)
• Forms and input elements
• Accessibility best practices in HTML
• Introduction to CSS and its role in styling web pages
• Selectors, properties, and values in CSS
• Box model (margin, border, padding, width, height)
• Layout techniques (floats, positioning, Flexbox, Grid)
• CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less) and postprocessors (Autoprefixer)
• Introduction to JavaScript and its role in front-end development
• Variables, data types, and operators
• Control flow (if statements, loops)
• Functions and scope
• DOM manipulation (selecting elements, changing content, adding/removing elements)
• Events and event handling
• Introduction to responsive web design principles
• Media queries and breakpoints
• Fluid layouts and flexible grids
• Viewport meta tag
• CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation) and grid systems
• Overview of CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less) and postprocessors (Autoprefixer)
• Variables, mixins, and functions in Sass
• Nesting and inheritance in Sass
• Using Sass/SCSS in real-world projects
• Introduction to version control and its importance in collaborative development
• Basic Git commands (clone, add, commit, push, pull, merge)
• Branching and merging strategies
• Collaborative workflows with Git (e.g., feature branching, pull requests)
• Introduction to popular front-end frameworks/libraries (React, Vue.js, Angular)
• Component-based architecture
• State management in front-end frameworks
• Routing and navigation
• Integrating third-party libraries and plugins
• Techniques for optimizing website loading times
• Minification and compression of assets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
• Image optimization and lazy loading
• Performance monitoring and profiling tools (Lighthouse, WebPageTest)
• Writing and running unit tests with testing frameworks (Jest, Mocha)
• Debugging JavaScript code using browser developer tools
• Cross-browser testing and compatibility
• Accessibility testing and best practices
• Overview of deployment options (FTP, SSH, CI/CD)
• Hosting services (Netlify, Vercel, GitHub Pages)
• Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
• Common security vulnerabilities in web applications (XSS, CSRF, etc.)
• Best practices for securing front-end code
• Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
• Content Security Policy (CSP)
• Web animations (CSS animations, JavaScript animations)
• Web components and shadow DOM
• Front-end performance optimization techniques (critical rendering path, code splitting)
• Working with APIs (fetch API, Axios)
• Applying learned concepts to develop a front-end project from scratch
• Incorporating best practices and industry standards
• Presenting the project and showcasing skills


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good course to improve web design


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